Monday, March 9, 2009


I know this blog isn't really about anything. I dont use it as a forum, I mainly just write about the mundane things that happen in my life, yet for some reason I like to remember. This weekend, for example, was a ton of fun, albeit a busy one. Joe and I went over to Zach and Allisons for Cuban food on Friday night, that was pretty fun, as we drank some beers, and had a good conversation. Saturday was a lot of running around to get the fellas ready for the trip to Georgia, but it was cool eating delicious soup and ice cream, and the occasional dance break out that would go down. Sunday, as tradition, we have a family dinner at our house. It started years ago, when I lived back in Muncie. We used to have this big fried chicken, mashed potato, corn, two types of gravy and cornbread dinners every week. Everyone would come over and bring a couple cases of beer (or whatever was leftover after Saturday night) and we would EAT. We took the tradition to Chicago, and it ebbed and flowed in attendance, food preference, etc. Nowadays, seeing as we are all in our late 20's, and super busy in our own lives, it becomes harder to meet every week. We do a Vegan bike Gang Brunch around every other month, but that is getting harder to organize, as Matt and Ranise are getting married, on top of Joe and I.
So, we try and maintain a weekly dinner, which is usually just Rene, Joe, and I. Last night Zach came by, which was awesome, and he gave me a really good idea. People tell me whenever I cook for them, that I should write a cookbook. I kind of brush it off, because I really dont think anything I do is extremely hard or special. Zach mentioned that I should blog about my food and recipes. I liked the idea, but was kind of like, whatever. Then I really thought about it, and it made sense. I could go on the whole Sunday dinner theme, and then do the recipes that I made and add a photo of the final project. So, there it is. A new and totally fun direction for me! I wish I would have taken photos of what we had last night. They were totally scrumptious black bean burgers, with a bunch of yummy stuff piled on top. They would rival Kumas anyday, and I am willing to bet on it.


  1. I think it's brilliant to make a food/dining blog. You know I'm a big fan of yer cookin' -- if I wasn't, I wouldn't be over at yer place all the time!

  2. ohh, so its the cooking and not the sparkling conversation. I see Zach.

  3. we should do a blog together for the meals we have. I also refuse to let a little thing like marriage ruin our fun times. I better see you this wekend my love.

  4. I LOVE THAT IDEA AR!! We both know how to throw down in the kitchen, and I agree about not getting our fun times ruined by silly husbands.
