Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It has been a long time since I have posted on here. Nothing really crazy has been happening during the past 6 weeks, same work stuff, same freezing outside. Joe and I were talking the other night and we are trying to decide what to do for our wedding. I know we had this huge party planned, which seemed like such a fun idea, but now we are going over everything, looking at the budget, and it just doesnt seem possible. He then wanted to just go to the courthouse and get it over with, but, seeing as we have both done that before, I really want a wedding. We are going to cut the attendants back a lot, maybe change the location, and we are going to California to drive the PCH for a week for our honeymoon. I am excited, but nervous, and at this point just want to get it over with, unfortunately.


  1. I can't help with the stress thang, but I do know that Loop Lunches certainly can't hurt.

  2. Loop lunches always make it better! The stress thing is fine, its just looking forward to getting married, yet hating the process to get there. phew.
