Friday, January 23, 2009

He said yes...

This week has been somewhat uneventful. Well, more uneventful then previous weeks where all I talk about is Banh Mi and the Breeders. I went to Trader Joe's on lunch with Don, who brought up the point that I haven't been posting lately (this ones for you...kinda) so I thought "what the hell" mind as well write something. Work was stupid this week, as in nothing happening, except the gross incompetence that runs rampant through that place (wait?.....Gypsy's are real people??)
so the trek to TJ's was a welcome respite. We went and meandered, talked about movies and what not. Don is one of my favorite people to converse with on literature and film. We have fairly similar taste and an uncanny ability to make fun of anything and everything, even if it is delightful. That is a rare quality to find in a friend, so I appreciate him all the more. But enough with that. I got home to a completely blacked out street, Joe with more pancake mix than I ever thought someone could possibly purchase (we now have three GIANT boxes in the pantry), and the burning need for a bottle of wine and my awful (yet comfy) white grandma sweater. I just wanted to sit on the couch, eat Mexican take out and watch the always riveting Friday edition of Chicago Tonight followed by Check Please. About this time is when I am tipsy enough to either A) fall asleep on the couch whilst muttering something about me being old
B) revisit the insane pile of magazines that we have collected over the year until I fall asleep on top of said pile
C) futs around on the Internet 
D) all of the above in various orders

Tonight it was option C. I was waiting to go to bed (lights out at 9pm at this house) I went online and to my joy found a myspace message from one of my dearest friends Carol.
Carol and Elijah ( other dear friend) took off to Philly a few years ago to do the noble thing of helping out with aging grandparents. With that it has been a sad time for me, as we all lived together (and each went through and attended each others various divorces/breakups)
so when they left it was saying goodbye to my nearest and dearest family.
C is an amazing artist, and we asked her to draw our wedding invitations for us. While C and I were conversing on the subject, I mentioned it to her about talking to E about giving me away at our wedding (for those of you who don't know e, he doesn't like the phone, and is most likely to interpretive dance a conversation with you than actually have a 'live' one.) Occasionally we have been known to meet up in each others dreams and catch each other up, so obviously conventional contacting doesn't work well and carrier pigeons are a messy lot. so I didn't think much of it, and not thinking c would mention anything to him. Ohh and for those of you who don't know me very well, I don't speak to either of my parents or any other affiliated members of my family.They are a disaster, and tend to make me reach for all sorts of unhealthy recreational abuses, so it just works out better. so I guess she has been asking him to check his email and wanted to know if he heard from me. Finally he couldn't take it, so C just blurted it out, and with a resounding YES, he said he would love to do it, as long as he could wear the leather accoutrement's that his costume requires. she sent me a note post haste regarding the yes and the leather, and I said yes to both, finally emailed e about it, and I can say that i am in tears that my dearest e (i dare say we have been siblings at least 5 lifetimes through which can be irritating but more so lovely....after the fighting) will be the one to give me away. ::sigh:: with that dear reader, i bid you adieu, have a lovely night and may your dreams be beautiful.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Seeing as yesterday was the last saturday I would have on vacation, I decided to remind myself of how fun it was to be a kid again. I got up when some of Joe's buddies showed up balls early at the house( i actually love seeing them i just hate mornings in general) for pancakes. We sat around drank coffee and ate pancakes, nothing major. They took off and I got the place to myself, which is like the best thing ever. So, I completely blow off responsibilities, put on Fear, and laid on the couch listening to the entire record. Its been forfuckingever since I have done that. seriously. so i sat around, ate some food, rene came over, we sat around, ate some food, watched tv, fell asleep, you know like when you were a teenager and had nothing to do over break except hang out. 

Later in the day Zach picks us up and we head over to the WP to hang at the loft and see those folks. Before we do that though, we picked up Ben and went to Sultans and just totally slaughtered some tasty shit. We ride over to Ranises after and get to see her and the pup, G balls, matt and brent. We sat around, had some drinks, ate some of R's amazing vegan goodies,and talk shit about bikes, people, and that whole wedding thing.  We head on over to Ronny's and stand around and play pool before the show starts. We saw some awful band open and then matts band Fascist Beauties play. They were pretty fucking good (and they covered the Riverdales, which made R's heart totally swoon). Matt somehow got all sorts of tangled up in the mic cord and then somehow was able to make it worse by tangling his t shirt up in it too. That was the best shit of the night by far. Afterwards, we drove home, talked shit, shared high 5's all around and I passed out with my shoes on. perfect.

Friday, January 2, 2009

So it begins....

Now that we have embarked on a new year i have some things that need taking care of. First off let me just say that the bro down at Hopleaf last night was the most fun I have had in a while. It was nice talking shit about what a bad ass I used to be, and I can say now that I am happy that I have calmed down immensely. Plus telling funny stories about your ex husband to new acquaintances is always worth it.
 I have a partner(the lovely miss Julie) who will be running my first 5k with me. Now, lets talk about that. I'm getting married October 31st of this year. So because of this I have begun the whole OHMYGODIMGETTINGMARRIEDBETTERLOOKHOT panic that seems to befall so many women. Now, I am totally fine with myself, so this isnt some sort of weird torture I am inflicting for "beauty". I just miss the way I used to look, back when all I did was smoke ciggies and get hammered(that is no way to maintain 118pds people) so I am on my way to getting back to that( well not that per SE, I looked kind of sick) but a close approximation to it. 
Also, the whole planning of said shindig must get underway now, or its going to be a very very crabby time, and I don't think Joe deserves that so much.  So today I started. I started looking at flowers, picked out the dress, picked out the shoes, picked out the hair thingy, picked out the rest of the design for my sleeve, got ideas for the vows, so on and so forth. It was productive, plus I got to hang with Leslie and Milo which is always a good time.
Lets see what else. Ohh yes, I am looking forward to this weekend. I get to see Ranise, Riot, Jeraul, Joe and Zach are hanging out too. This is always fun. Going over to the loft to bro down, scratch some lotto tickets, have some drinks and listen to records before we go to a show. Cant wait. Its been a long hibernation with this winter and I am looking forward to the year ahead. Ohh and the above comic is from Fart Party, one of my favorite zines out there. Thanks Ranise, we will always have the FP.