Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Maybe I will do this....

How come there isn't a lovely fairly that comes down and goes "this is what you should be when you grow up"? I am getting fairly fed up with being unable to make up my mind as to what I want to do in life. I will study literature! No, photography! No....wait...design....no I take that back....how about....Massage Therapy? I already did that. Now....lets do nursing....no no I dont know thats a lot of debt. So I guess I will look into opening a business. That debt sounds more fun.How about a Cafe? Lets say a Vegan/Vegetarian Cafe. With good coffee. Plenty of bike parking. With Sweets. In a neighborhood that needs a Cafe. Say, Logan Square?. We could be a non profit, maybe. That has free WIFI. and old comfy couches. i need help though. Some lady friends, perhaps? With good work ethics, tasty recipes, and plenty of love so that we wouldnt fight all the time. yeah. I think that would be lovely....

Friday, March 13, 2009

OMFG! Or how did I miss this

So, I just have to say, and I also understand that it is way late to even complain or be upset about this, and the outcome turned in my favor, so whatever. Seriously though, this has made my jaw hit the floor, and maybe most of you know this, but LANCE ARMSTRONG CAMPAIGNED FOR JOHN MCCAIN. I mean seriously?! I already hated Lance, but it was more of an annoyance type of hate, like a fly buzzing around. This though, takes the cake. Now it is a strong, disgusted hate for that asshole.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I know this blog isn't really about anything. I dont use it as a forum, I mainly just write about the mundane things that happen in my life, yet for some reason I like to remember. This weekend, for example, was a ton of fun, albeit a busy one. Joe and I went over to Zach and Allisons for Cuban food on Friday night, that was pretty fun, as we drank some beers, and had a good conversation. Saturday was a lot of running around to get the fellas ready for the trip to Georgia, but it was cool eating delicious soup and ice cream, and the occasional dance break out that would go down. Sunday, as tradition, we have a family dinner at our house. It started years ago, when I lived back in Muncie. We used to have this big fried chicken, mashed potato, corn, two types of gravy and cornbread dinners every week. Everyone would come over and bring a couple cases of beer (or whatever was leftover after Saturday night) and we would EAT. We took the tradition to Chicago, and it ebbed and flowed in attendance, food preference, etc. Nowadays, seeing as we are all in our late 20's, and super busy in our own lives, it becomes harder to meet every week. We do a Vegan bike Gang Brunch around every other month, but that is getting harder to organize, as Matt and Ranise are getting married, on top of Joe and I.
So, we try and maintain a weekly dinner, which is usually just Rene, Joe, and I. Last night Zach came by, which was awesome, and he gave me a really good idea. People tell me whenever I cook for them, that I should write a cookbook. I kind of brush it off, because I really dont think anything I do is extremely hard or special. Zach mentioned that I should blog about my food and recipes. I liked the idea, but was kind of like, whatever. Then I really thought about it, and it made sense. I could go on the whole Sunday dinner theme, and then do the recipes that I made and add a photo of the final project. So, there it is. A new and totally fun direction for me! I wish I would have taken photos of what we had last night. They were totally scrumptious black bean burgers, with a bunch of yummy stuff piled on top. They would rival Kumas anyday, and I am willing to bet on it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It has been a long time since I have posted on here. Nothing really crazy has been happening during the past 6 weeks, same work stuff, same freezing outside. Joe and I were talking the other night and we are trying to decide what to do for our wedding. I know we had this huge party planned, which seemed like such a fun idea, but now we are going over everything, looking at the budget, and it just doesnt seem possible. He then wanted to just go to the courthouse and get it over with, but, seeing as we have both done that before, I really want a wedding. We are going to cut the attendants back a lot, maybe change the location, and we are going to California to drive the PCH for a week for our honeymoon. I am excited, but nervous, and at this point just want to get it over with, unfortunately.